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Admission : General Information

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Anti Ragging Measures

The UGC has made it mandatory for all students/parents to submit anti ragging affidavits to the institute at the time of admission. The format of Affidavits is available on www.amanmovement.org. After filling the online form student will receive 'students and parents anti Ragging affidavits' in the email. Print both affidavits. Students and Parents are requested to read the details and sign the student-affidavit and parents affidavit respectively. They are requested to submit both affidavits to the college at the time of admission/registration, every year.

The Supreme Court of India has made it mandatory for the Heads of the Institutions to file FIRs against the students indulging in ragging (Ragging is prohibited as per the decision of the Supreme Court of India vide Petition No. © 656/1998). Indulging in ragging is cognizable offence which leads to strict disciplinary and legal action including expulsion of concerned student(s)from the Campus.

Important Information

1 The Institute does not enter into correspondence with any person other than the Parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student, who have signed the students application form at the time of admission.
2. The fee collected from students will be refundable as per University and AICTE norms.
3. Students are required to strictly adhere to the academic schedule and time. Punctuality in class is always essential. Defaulters are liable to face disciplinary action.
4. Students not in a position to attend the classes are required to apply for leave of absence to the HOD concerned and get such leave sanctioned on application.
5. Student tutors have been appointed for guidance and personal counseling. The students must contact the respective tutor/student counselor for guidance and advice.
6. The students are required to be well dressed while they are on campus.
7. During workshop practicals/ training, wearing of knee length, full sleeves grey apron is mandatory. A white lab coat must be worn during Chemistry Practical.
8. Library books are issued for a specified period. These must be returned in time.
9. Students must show respect to the Faculty, staff and senior students .
10. Mid semester tests are compulsory for all students.
11. Students must read the notices and visit website www.ietbhaddal.edu.in regularly. Any notice displayed on the 'College Notice Board' will amount to serve of the notice to the, student(s) concerned. Not having read the notice cannot be taken as an excuse.
12. To improve, protect, and conserve natural resources, the students must ensure that all water taps are turned off after use and all lights and fans are switched off after use.
13. Students must observe the times specified (for them) for office, library, mess and the labs.
14. It is mandatory for the students to wear Institute uniform on the days as specified by the competent authority.
15. Request for hostel allotment considered on yearly basis.

General Conduct

1. All students are to abide by the rules. Breach of the rules or other misconduct will render a student liable to disciplinary action including expulsion from the Institute.
2. Disciplinary action will be initiated against any student found misbehaving or creating nuisance, or causing disturbance in the class, lab or anywhere else on the campus.
3. Each student is responsible to keep his/her parents or guardian informed about his/her progress in the Institute, non-payment of fees, removal of his/her name from the Institute rolls or disciplinary action taken against him/her.
4. It will be the responsibility of the student to keep their respective Institute and Department office informed about any change in the address and contact number of his/her parents/guardian.
5. While undergoing practical training the students shall abide by the rules of the organization in which they are taking training and shall obey the orders and disciplinary control of such organization.
6. If, as a result of, demonstration/strike/mischief, any property/equipment in the campus is damaged and loss is caused to the Institution, the same would be recovered either directly from those identified person(s), wherever possible, or else, collectively from such group/ associations as were responsible for the demonstration/ strike.
7. Absence from the class will be taken as an act of indiscipline. Strict action will be taken against the defaulters. The fine as per Campus norms will also be levied.
8. Ragging of any student inside or outside the campus is cognizable offence and hence strictly prohibited. Indulging in ragging will lead to strict disciplinary action including expulsion from the institute.
9. Students/Class indulging in defacing of furniture, equipment or buildings will be required to bear the cost for the restoration of the various items into the original condition. In addition, a heavy fine will also be imposed on defaulters.
10. Carriage, holding, consumption and use in any form of any intoxicating agent is forbidden. Violation of the rule in any form would be severely dealt with.
11. Students are advised to submit the previous medical history if any to the competent authority.
12. At the time of Allotment of hostel necessary furniture and fixture will be issued to the occupants. Hosteller will be responsible for proper care of issued items. In case of inadvertent/delibrate attempt to damage any of the issued items, the students shall have to bear the damaged cost.
13. The Campus provides Group Personal, accidental Medical Insurance Policy.
  Registration open for the 2025 Batch  
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